The Great Cedar Swamp Division of the Cape May National Wildlife Refuge is located in Upper and Dennis Townships near the towns of Woodbine and Dennisville. This area has the largest contiguous forest on the refuge and is part of the Pinelands National Reserve and the Great Egg Harbor National Scenic and Recreational River. This division protects mostly hardwood swamp, salt marsh, and bog habitat along with some forested uplands and grassland areas. Unique viewing opportunities exist for Atlantic white cedar stands, a variety of warblers, including prothonotary and pine warblers, wood thrush, bald eagles, wintering short-eared, long-eared and northern saw-whet owls, and northern diamondback terrapin. The Great Cedar Swamp Division also supports large numbers of marsh and water birds, songbirds, raptors, reptiles, and amphibians.
Cedar Swamp Trail – a one-mile long trail is located on Tyler Road, which is located north of Route 50 and south of Route 631. This trail leads through a grassland and a mixed pine/hardwood forested swamp. Look and listen for songbirds in the red maple and Atlantic white cedar trees and owls roosting in the trees.
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